RobHeathPhotography: Blog en-us (C) RobHeathPhotography [email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:39:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:39:00 GMT RobHeathPhotography: Blog 120 72 2020 - Namibia Tour Happy New Year! to everyone.

May 2020 bring Health and good fortune to you all.  

Returning for a third time in 15 months, my next African exploit will be in the vast tranquility of Namibia. This sparsely populated country is home to the World's oldest desert, the largest sand dunes, the second largest canyon and the semi-nomadic, ochre covered Himba tribe. 

Namibia is guaranteed to be a photographic paradise with the stunning landscapes of Sossusvlei, Deadvlei, Skeleton coast, Etosha National Park to name but a few.

Can't wait to go back to Africa! 

Wishing you Happy photographic travels, wherever you may be headed...

photo courtesy of matadornetwork.comphoto courtesy of


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) africa namibia travel voyage Fri, 10 Jan 2020 13:14:44 GMT
20% - La chance de survie J'annonce ma nouvelle expo intitulée "20%" - (La chance de survie).

C'est expo est tirée de mes photos de la Masai Mara, Kenya et du Delta de l'Okavango , Botswana entre Mars et Septembre 2019.

Elle est dédiée a la protection de la faune sauvage. Venez nombreux.

20% des prix des ventes sera reverser au fondation Born Free et l'Association Tonga Terre D'Accueil.


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) expo exposition faune photo photographe photography sauvage wildlife Thu, 24 Oct 2019 16:15:00 GMT
Born Free Foundation I have recently contacted the Born Free Foundation who do fantastic work in re-wilding wild animals back to their natural habitat. They also intervene in circuses and zoos and prevent wild animals from being exploited for monetary gains. In addition, they relocate wild animals that have been subject to animal trafficking.

Their moto is #keepwildlifeinthewild. 

As I feel very strong about animal abuse, I offered to fundraise for them by donating a percentage of any sales of my wildlife exhibition to their foundation.

This was agreed and I am using their logo to advise potential buyers that this has been approved by the Foundation. 

So if you feel you want to both own a limited edition print of this series and contribute at the same time to the well-being of these animals, feel free to contact me. 

I have several exhibtions planned for this series in the coming year and I will be returning to Botswana and the Okavango Delta to further enhance this collection.

The coalition of 5 male Cheetahs.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 09 Apr 2019 16:00:00 GMT
W for WILDlife! After an 18 month break for personal health reasons, I managed to secure a place at short notice on an African Wildlife Safari Photo Tour with 2 reknowned photographers: David Lloyd, UK Wildlife Photographer of the Year ( and Richard Peters, European Wildlife Photographer of the Year and Nikon Ambassador (

Well, wow! what an experience! I was completely 'blown away' with the whole trip. It is something that has always intrigued me after watching 'Born Free' back in the 70's. To have had the privilege to be able to share this environment with true predators and the incredible people of the Maasai Mara was a real life-changing experience.


What did I learn?... in a word: RESPECT. 

Respect for the incredible eco-system of the Mara and the whole environment that forms this amazing 'circle of life' is a real eye-opener. It is survival of the fittest, there are no second chances for strugglers. It is life at its most basic and yet most rewarding. 

To be able to witness the unpredictable sights, sounds and smells of untamed nature is a real plus. Something you can never experience from watching edited documentaries on TV.

 So am I going back? bet! No 2 days are alike and nothing is planned. This is real life. This is WILDLIFE!

Complicity. The eyes say it all! (c'est tout dans le regard)

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) africa kenya maasai mara photography safari wildlife Sun, 17 Mar 2019 11:26:05 GMT
Colours of Provence A short drive south from my home brings you to the magical light and colours of Provence. I took a trip down there this week just before the harvesting of the Lavander. A fabulous circuit from Grignan to Montelimar full of surprises and colourful undulating landscapes. Together with Dancer/model Nais and fellow photographer Didier (who acted as lighting assistant on this occasion) we found some delightful 'champs de lavande'.

All the non-French resident photographers who organise 'Group' trips only visit Valensole but they have missed this area! Every photo tourist has been to valensole to take the same photos and now you have to fight to get a position and you end up with the same as everyone else! 

This place is still an undiscovered gem and you wont be fighting for a position! It's true, there is no stone cabanon in the middle of the field, but with a little imagination and a few accesories you can create something different from the 'classic' landscape. 

So why not give it a try.  If you want more details of this area, contact me by the contact form... you wont regret it!

Stay creative and dont follow the herd!

Until next time....

Ballet of the beesBallet of the bees Just walkingJust walking

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) lavender fields Thu, 06 Jul 2017 20:28:29 GMT
Press interview - Le Progrès - 5th Dec 2016 Many thanks to Stéphane Domur, journalist of Le Progrès for this article on my exhibition at Les Dézingués.

Mille merci à Stéphane Domur, Journaliste à "Le Progrès" pour cette interview et article sur mon expo aux Dézingués.

Les photographes roannais investissent le centre-ville

Le restaurant Les dézingués accueille jusqu’au 13 janvier une expo photos intitulée « Camargue sauvage ».

Rob Heath devant sa série « Camargue sauvage ». Photo Stéphane DOMUR

Le blanc de la craie dessinant sur un tableau noir le menu du jour proposé par le chef a laissé place au noir et blanc d’une suite de photographies qui sentent bon la Camargue.

Un photographe passionné, Guy Plotton, explique : « Nous faisons déjà tous partie d’un club photo dans le Roannais. Nous avons décidé de nous fédérer de façon tout à fait informelle, sans monter d’association, juste pour le plaisir de nous voir et surtout d’exposer tour à tour le travail de chacun dans un endroit dédié. »

Éric Paratcha, bien connu des Roannais, confie : « C’est la 2e édition de notre expo. Et il y en aura d’autres ! »

Après la série « Rugby » de la 1re édition avec Dominique Thoral en novembre, c’est au tour de Rob Heath, anglais de naissance, roannais d’adoption depuis 2002 et membre du club mablyrot Phot’Objectif Mably. Il s’est lancé pour de bon dans la photographie il y a 10 ans. À l’époque, il faisait beaucoup de peinture contemporaine orientée portraits et exposait un peu partout, de New York à Londres, Budapest…

Chevaux, écume, taureaux…

La photo - préalable au départ de chaque œuvre - a pris peu à peu le dessus sur la peinture. Ses thèmes de prédilection : les portraits créatifs et les danseuses. Mais cette fois, c’est sa série « Camargue sauvage » qui est à l’honneur. Chevaux, écume, taureaux…, tout est là ! D’ailleurs, cette série lui a valu d’autres honneurs, et pas des moindres : Rob Heath a été primé à l’International Photography Awards 2016. Cette récompense lui a d’ailleurs permis d’exposer ses clichés dans une galerie londonienne.

Pratique Exposition « Camargue sauvage » de Rob Heath, à voir jusqu’au 13 janvier au restaurant Les Dézingués. (

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Le Progres exhibition expo exposition heath interview photographe rob Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:00:00 GMT
Le mois des expos - The month of Exhibitions Vous etes deja beaucoup qui me soutenez, et je suis ravi! Un grand merci a tous!

Mes deux prochaines expos sont:

29 septembre - 2 octobre - Londres (5th Base Gallery, Brick Lane)

15 - 16 octobre - Rivatoria, Jassins-Riottier, Villefranche.

Cet trimestre le sujet des expos est "wild camargue"


C'est un petit detours avant que je pars dans l'arctique pour un safari avec les ours polaires!

Venez nombreux, merci!




[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) animaliere blanc camargue chevaux exhibition expo horses nature wild Sun, 25 Sep 2016 18:38:32 GMT
Dance with movement. Recently I acquired a new Continuous 650 DayLED fresnel from Lupo as I wanted to experiment with continuous light in combination with studio strobes. The objective was to catch dance with movement using long-exposure techniques.

For this set-up I had the continuous light at 2 o'clock on full power and strobes at 8 o'clock on almost minimal power far max speed and to freeze the action. The camera was set to 'Rear curtain' sync and I was using shutter speeds of approx. 1 second with Mirror Lock-up. The Camera, my  Nikon D810 was on a tripod, in Manual mode and I had a trigger release to avoid as much movement as possible. For this shoot I had pre-focused on the dancer at the position where she should land. I then kept the focus in manual mode throughout.

Much of the success of this shoot is in the timing as the dancer has to finish her two steps and jump in about 1 second.

I used 2 flags to shield the LED from the background as well as from the camera. I also flagged the strobes from the backgorund and the camera, too.

So with minimal ambient light, the continuous light just picks up the movement and 1 second later the strobe fires to freeze the motion.


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) LED ballet continuous-light dance heath long-exposure movement strobe studio Wed, 20 Jul 2016 08:48:07 GMT
Nouveau projet pour 2016/17. - Fine Art Danse projet. Ca y est, le nouveau projet est lancé! Sans trop devoiler pour l'instant, je commence a prendre des rendez-vous avec des danseuses expérimentées /professionelles et les ecoles de danse pour un collaboration sympa.  Ce projet va dérouler entre Londres et la France.

Finally, the new project is in motion! Without giving too much away at this stage, I am in contact with experienced/professional dancers and dance academies around London and in France to collaborate on this exciting new project. Watch this space!

Chiara Favaretti in London.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Wed, 01 Jun 2016 12:29:37 GMT
La Camargue Retour de la Camargue avec que des belles souvenirs. Les Chevaux, les taureaux et meme les flamingos roses. Un vrai bonheur! Je conseil vivement de visiter cette region naturelle. C'est au top!

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) camargue cheveaux flamingos taureaux Wed, 13 Apr 2016 15:37:19 GMT
Natural poise & grace of dancers. La grace naturelle des danseuses. OK, qui n'aime pas les shootings simple avec beaucoup de style et grace? Parce que moi, J'ADORE!

Il y a quelques semaines j'ai eu la chance de faire un shoot avec une belle et talentueuse jeune femme pour le debut d'une nouvelle serie que j'avais dans ma tete depuis longtemps. C'était une dimanche en février, donc normalement trés froid! Mais cette journée était une grand excéption car on étaient gatées avec un grand soleil!

Pas la peine de dire que les résultats étaient au top! On avaient mème forcé une nuit americaine avec une super fonds d'un chateau!

Sigo devant le Chateau de la Roche





[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) americaine ballet chateau classic dance fond heath photo photographe rob sigolene stretch Thu, 10 Mar 2016 17:15:00 GMT
CAMARGUE- South of France One thing i've been wanting to do for a few years is to have a photoshoot in Camargue. Wild White horses, Black stampeding bulls, Pink Flamingos and the weathered portraits of the 'Guardians' of the Camargue.

5 days of superb wildlife shooting should be an experience never to forget. April 7th-11th 2016. With Serge Krouglikoff of Creataway and Simon Stafford of Nikon, London.

Should be a good test for the Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6. As usual I 'll throw a few 'direct from camera' shots on facebook.. Watch this space!

Stallions of the Camargue. International Photography Awards Winner 2016.Stallions of the Camargue. International Photography Awards Winner 2016.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Sun, 07 Feb 2016 18:07:41 GMT
Printemps de la Photo 2016 - Mably. "Creative portrait" Cette anneé les membres de notre Club Phot'Objectif proposent une exposition originale sur la technique et la créativité du portrait.

This year, the members of my photoclub 'Phot'Objectif de Mably' propose an original exhibition on the technical and creative side of portraiture.

Du 2 au 24 avril - Espace de la Tour, Mably 42300.

Venez nombreux.

Half of Jess. - Winner: Nikon Club France 2017Half of Jess. - Winner: Nikon Club France 2017

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) 2016 creative exhibition exposition heath mably photo photographe photography portrait printemps rob technique Tue, 19 Jan 2016 18:00:00 GMT
Next stop -30degrees C. Arctic Photo Safari 2016 Plans underway for an Arctic Polar Bear expedition north of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada in November 2016 with Churchill Wild.

Sub -30C temperatures and Arctic winds should make this ground safari an unbelievebale experience. Expecting face-to-face encounters with  Polar Bears and Northern lights...  Watch this space!


Planification d'un expédition Arctique avec les ours polaires au nord de Churchill, Manitoba, Canada en novembre 2016.

Des températures de -30° C et les vents de l'Arctique devraient faire cet safari une expérience inoubliable! En plus que les ours il y auras normalement des aurores boréales! ... à suivre...

Photo courtesy of Jiangou Xie , Churchill Wild, Canada.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) arctic arctique. loup ours polaire polar bear safari wolf Fri, 20 Nov 2015 13:30:00 GMT
Expo - Rivatoria, Jassans-Riottier, Villefranche sur Saone, France J-5.

En plein preparation pour l'expo a Rivatoria ce weekend, 10 et 11 Octobre. 34 photogs selectioner dans toute la France.

Chaque photog a une theme differente et presente une dizaine des photos.

Mon expo est titule: Icebergs de Jokulsarlon. (Islande).

Venez nombreux! Merci :)

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) 2015 exhibition expo exposition heath photo photographe rob Tue, 06 Oct 2015 10:37:41 GMT
Italia Planning at the last minute can have it's advantages. You are forced to explore and where better than Italy? A country full of history and confusion but overall; beautiful landscapes. If you've never driven through Tuscany or the Amalfi Coast... then just do it, you will not regret the breath-taking experience.. in more ways than one! ... and don't forget your camera!

Tuscany cypressTuscany cypress

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) cypress italy toscagne tuscany umbria Fri, 21 Aug 2015 16:00:00 GMT
2eme Rencontres photographiques du Rivatoria 2015 Venez nombreux a ma prochaine expo le 10-11 octobre 2015. (a la Salle des Fetes, Jassans-Riottier a cote de Villefranche-Sur-Saone)

Samedi: 14h - 20h30 / Dimanche: 10h - 18h30. Entree 2€.

J'ai expose mes photographes d'islande dans la theme Icebergs.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) 2015 exhibition exposition heath photo photographe rob Sat, 20 Jun 2015 12:22:16 GMT
Resultats Concours photos de Mably 2015 Yay, 3 sur mes 4 photos dans le concours de Mably 2015 etaient primee! 

3 out of my 4 entries in the Mably 2015 photo competition were awarded prizes:


The Millennium Bridge: 3eme place national

The Shard, London: 1ere place local

Theme - Ambiance Polar: 1ere place local. (Merci a les modeles Eolia van de Hoewen & Thomas Heath)  

Millennium Bridge B/WMillennium Bridge B/W

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) 2015 competition concours mably photo Sat, 23 May 2015 08:55:34 GMT
Tour of Southern Iceland / Tour d'Islande du Sud If you want to experience the rain, wind, ice, sun, snow (did I mention the 'Northern Lights?) all in one day, then you just have to visit Iceland. It's the photographers paradise and a country where there are the most incredible landscapes on the planet!

Si vous voulez découvrir de la pluie, le vent, la glace, le soleil, la neige (Ai-je mentionné «aurores boréales?) en une seule journée, alors vous avez juste pour visiter l'Islande. C'est le paradis des photographes et un pays où il y a des paysages le plus incroyables de la planète! 


Ice beach, JokulsarlonIce beach, Jokulsarlon


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) fire ice iceland paradise Wed, 22 Apr 2015 21:31:16 GMT
Serie: Autour d'une fleuve / Riverbank series The River Thames (Tamise en français) is a fantastic place to discover. This series is based around long-exposure night photography and will form part of a new exhibition in late 2015. The technique is as per my previous post. This photo used an exposure of 25 seconds at f/8 and ISO 100. I used a Lee Filter GND 0.6 (2 stops). A sturdy tripod is essential. 

Low tide in the ThamesLow tide in the Thames

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) london long-exposure night river thames Tue, 24 Mar 2015 20:44:39 GMT
My Long Exposure workflow - Flux de travail pour les expositions longues. Attached is my Long Exposure Workflow for you to download and share if you wish :)

Ci-jointe mon flux de travail pour les expositions longues. Vous pouvez le telechager et partager :)

a bientot!

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) exposure flux long travail workflow Mon, 09 Mar 2015 19:59:42 GMT
Le Monde de Nos Jours - Fallen Values The first photo in my new Photographic series and upcoming exhibition. It explores the dichotomy between poor and carefree living as opposed to  a busy working life with constraints. 

La premier photo de ma prochaine expo et serie photographique. Il s'agit de le difference entre libre mais pauvre et contrainte mais fiere. 


Figuerants: Thomas Heath, Eolia Van de Hoeven, Laurie Barge, Aurelien Potier. Additional thanks to Bernard Belot.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) exhibition exposition fine-art heath photographe rob Sun, 01 Mar 2015 20:29:33 GMT
What's in my Bag / C'est quoi dans ton sac? "It's easy to take good pictures with all that equipment!" ===> FALSE

The old adage: It's the photographer that makes the pictures! Good equipment helps in certain situations, but most photos can be done on any DSLR. ===> TRUE!

Art is the willingness to create something special from basic ingredients. 

Think: Good ovens = a good chef? ===> NO!

Expensive cars = good drivers? ===> NO!

Designer Jewellery and clothes = Beauty? ===> No!


So what equipment do I use?

In the studio and for beauty/fashion shoots and also for Landscape work (where I will print large scale photos) I use the Nikon D800 (36MP). Many of my earlier photographs were taken with my previous Nikon D200.

For everyday use, the Fuji X-T1 is more than good enough. In fact, for Street photography it is a clear advantage to go small and shoot from the hip. 

It should also be stated that photography is very addictive and so whilst it's not compulsory to have the latest equipment, improvements in the technology field mean that older digital cameras (not lenses) can become rapidly out of date.

A fuller list of my equipment, if you are interested, can be found here: http:\\

a bientot mes ami(e)s!


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) equipment gear Thu, 29 Jan 2015 18:00:00 GMT
Website changes For 2015 I have re-designed the website with a different format. 

It is now faster loading, more fluid, less cluttered and the photos are larger! 

You can now comment on any or all photos and leave your overall appreciations/opinions in my guestbook! Also added are social connectivity via facebook, twitter, google+1 and pinterest. 

In addition you can now create collections/favourites and contact me much more easier than before!

So it's a spring clean in Winter! and a breath of fresh air for me, at least :) 

Hope you enjoy the new layout!



[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:35:46 GMT
Bonne Année, Bon Santé - Happy New Year 2015! Wishing you Health and Happiness in this New Year 2015!

May it be the best year yet... 

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) 2015 annee bonne happy new wishes year Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:00:00 GMT
Planning for Iceland! Island en préparation! OK, Think of Fire & Ice... the most beautiful and natural (unspoilt) landscapes in the world.....

What comes to mind? ...Well if you are a photographer it has to be Iceland, the Ice Lagoons, Ice caves, Volcanoes, vivid Auroras and surrealistic landscapes, not to mention the waterfalls....

On 13th-20th April 2015 I shall be on a tour with one of Iceland's top natural landscape photographers; Lurie Belegurschi. Check out his website:

Can't wait! I'll be updating this blog with specific details of equipment and clothing necessary for such an extreme climate....just in case you get the urge to visit this fantastic country.

To be continued..... :)


OK, Pensez Feu et glace ... les plus belles et naturelles des paysages  du monde .....

Ce qui vient à l'esprit? ... Eh bien, si vous êtes un photographe, il doit être l'Islande, les lagons de glace, les grottes de glace, volcans, boréales et des paysages surréalistes, sans oublier les chutes d'eau magnifiques !

Les 13 a 20 Avril 2015 je serai en tournée avec l'un des meilleurs photographes de paysage naturel de l'Islande; Lurie Belegurschi. Consultez son site web:

Je ne peux pas attendre! Je vais mettre à jour ce blog avec des détails spécifiques de l'équipement et les vêtements nécessaires pour un tel climat extrême .... Juste au cas où vous avez envie de visiter ce pays fantastique.

À suivre ..... :)

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) iceland island Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:42:54 GMT
Que des nouveautés Cette semaine j'ai decidé d'aller un peut plus loin et donc j'ai fais des photoshoots en fine-art duo et d'une femme enceinte. Mais pour la plaisir pur j'ai fais une deuxième séance avec la majestic Grace Gray en mode fashion.

A la prochaine! 

Grace GrayGrace Gray

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) duo enceinte fine-art pregnancy twosome Tue, 09 Dec 2014 20:27:15 GMT
De retour a londres. C'était rouge! Du retour a londres. Cette fois c'est la tour de Jessica de Virgilis.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Fri, 17 Oct 2014 22:38:43 GMT
Airshow - Meeting Aerien International 2014 Roanne 2014. Des top modèles plutot mécaniques!

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) 2014 aerien airshow avions meeting roanne spitfire Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:00:00 GMT
Expo à Iguerande C'est ouverte! 

L'expo 'Les jardins secrets d'Iguerande' en association avec le phot'objectif club de Mably a fait le vernissage ce matin. 

Il faut le voir... 

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) exhibition expo iguerande Sat, 12 Jul 2014 14:53:21 GMT
Appel pour les citoyens de Mably. Nous avons besoin des Mablyrots pour un grand projet de la commune de Mably. Si vous habitez a Mably, m'envoyez un message et vous pouvez figurer dans cet projet artistique. Je dois vous prendre en photo (gratuite bien sur) .... nous avons besoin de 600 habitants!! 

Donc n'attendez pas de me contacter. MERCI !!!! 

[email protected] 

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) commune mably portraits project projet village Mon, 07 Jul 2014 19:49:17 GMT
Youtube video de mon expo. Voici le lien a le video sur YouTube:

The link to my youtube video of the exhibition:



[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) expo george heath mediatheque photography rob sand video Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:57:03 GMT
Merci au Pays Roannais! Merci a Philippe GREGOIRE pour son reportage sur mon expo dans le Pays Roannais, le 15 Mai 2014. 

Thanks, Philippe Gregoire for his article on my exhibition in the Pays Roannais Newspaper, 15th May 2014.

Le Pays Roannais 15 mai 2014. Reportage Philippe Gregoire.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) article exhibition expo exposition heath model news photographe Thu, 15 May 2014 17:00:00 GMT
Reportage le Progres 07-05-2014 A follow-up interview with Le Progres newspaper.. 

Deuxieme reportage suite a mon expo... a Mably.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) anglais artiste exposition heath journal newspaper photographe progres reportage Wed, 07 May 2014 18:30:00 GMT
Le Progres...Zoom sur... A brief article from my current exhibition in Mably.

Une reportage sur le vernissage de mon expo a Mably.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) exhibition exposition heath photographe photography rob Mon, 05 May 2014 19:31:25 GMT
Kinder surprise? Non, c'est le nouveau FujiFilm X-T1 FujiFilm X-T1 - New arrival... nouveau appareil....

C'est tout nouveau et il remplace le Nikon D200 comme deuxieme appareil dans mon sac.

Tres jolie et compacte  / mirrorless- camera de FujiFilm. Les objectifs sont superbes. Pour le deplacement, sa taille et son poid sont ideale!

Un petit merveille!


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) camera fuji fujifilm mirrorless x-t1 Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:06:14 GMT
Je dois dire adieu a mon ancien Nikon DX systeme Le fin est parfois triste mais necessaire! Aujourd'hui j'annonce la vente de touts mes equipements DX: Nikon D200 (300€), AF-S 12-24mm 1:4 G ED (700€) et AF-S 18-200mm 1:3.5-5.6 G ED VR (550€).

Tout est en excellent etat. Le Nikon D200 est fourni avec courroie, 2x batteries et chargeur. (moins de 10k actuations).

Il m'a servi comme deuxieme appareil pendant 2 ans mais il faut changer de temps en temps! Adieu mon ami, tu m'avais bien servi.


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Thu, 10 Apr 2014 19:26:50 GMT
Expo Mably 19 Avril.... on est pret? Voila les affiches pour ma prochaine expo a la médiathèque de Mably.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:00:00 GMT
Theme: Steampunk! A la recherche des modèles... Voila la prochaine thème. Le genre pseudo victorian /sci-fi. 

Quelques idées suivent. Si vous etes une fan de ce genre contacter moi. J'ai quelques accessoires...mais pas les robes!


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:15:44 GMT
Interview by

Strike A Pose Photo Contest Winner! Discover who won the Peoples Choice!


Rob Heath won the “Peoples Choice” at the Strike A Post Photo Contest. In our Interview thephotographer tells us about the contest and his passion about art. So read on to know more about Rob.


Chiara by Rob Heath

ModelManagement: Did you expect to be one of the winners of the Strike A Pose Photo Contest?

Rob Heath: I have been taking part in photo competitions for about 6 months now and one of the things I have noticed is the incredible amount of natural talent around. Just taking a technically correct photo however, is not sufficient to win anything. Art is subjective and progressive with smartphones and incredible advances in technology, anyone can try their hand at capturing an interesting shot; so to get noticed you need to strike a chord with a whole cross-section of different people. I find that you really need to differentiate yourself and try to break-out of fundamental concept limitations. So, I was surprised and indeed very happy to be elected as the people’ choice winner for this competition. Much of the credit must go to Chiara who was a fabulous model and effortlessly switched between poses for this session. In fact, I finished the session with a great series of shots that are being exhibited in France in 2014. So surprised, yes and extremely grateful for the award. It’s always good to receive feedback as long as it is constructive and getting the people’s award for this competition gave me a huge boost in confidence and confirms that, what I was trying to achieve, also sparked a positive response from others.  Since taking part in this competition, the same photograph has also been voted in the top 10 photos for Nikon France’s “Dance theme” competition.

Chiara Bend PDA

Chiara by Rob Heath

MM: When did you first become passionate about photography?

RH: I have been developing my ‘artistic eye’ for about 10 years now. I must admit that I was sorely tempted to buy a Ricoh film camera about 30 years ago but at the time, the funds just weren’t there and whilst I was interested in capturing some form of scenic interpretation, I didn’t immediately take the plunge with photography. Instead, I tried my hand at drawing and painting. Having work and travel commitments meant that I didn’t really have the time to commit seriously to my hobby and only after emigrating to France in 2002 did I find that I could use the time saved from my 5h daily commute for something more productive and satisfying. I took up painting as a serious hobby and in 2009 had my first solo exhibition in France. Since then I have exhibited in London, New York, Las Vegas, Budapest and Manchester and have been published in a few books. However, I still had a yearning to learn the techniques of photography and so I enrolled for various courses and learned the studio techniques necessary for a successful shoot. I now book studio time whenever I travel to my office in London. Once you have the basic techniques learned, it becomes completely addictive!

Chiara PDA

Chiara by Rob Heath

MM: What fascinates you the most about photography?

RH: The light, the light and the light. I know exactly the effect that I am trying to create in many of my shots before I take them and unless the balance between light and shade is just right, I’m really not very happy! Knowing how light can render a scene really profound with a certain depth compels me to persevere until I get it ‘nailed’.
I am also a bit of a gadget fan and I just love reading up on the latest advances in camera technology. However to counter-balance this I recently acquired a 45 year old Rolleiflex which is a real leveler and great fun to use. Photography is like many things in life, you can never say that you have mastered it completely as there are always new ways of seeing things. We can always learn from others and improve and in fact that’s what keeps the interest going; it’s not about being a famous photographer, it’s the journey of discovery that’s the fun part.

Chiara Repose PDA

Chiara by Rob Heath

MM: What advantages do you find on having a Premium Pro membership on and

RH: I have just joined this great community of artistic people and already I can tell that it could be a game changer for me. There are many sites on the web that are just galleries or forums without any real vision or meaning and they are not really going to lead to anything, but having all the creative parties under one banner really sets this site apart. I think having more models than photographers is, for me a real bonus and the fact that it is truly international and not just US based also means that I’ll get the chance to meet like-minded creative from around Europe. The premium Pro memberships will enable me to fully exploit this artistic community and really make it work for me without any limiting factors.


Chiara by Rob Heath

MM: You are also a painter. Do you prefer using a camera or a brush?

RH: Ha! Yes, the million dollar question!  I am both a painter and a photographer which for me is ideal! When I started painting portraits I used to use pictures found on the web to practice techniques and I was in awe of many of the great photographers who could capture stunning portraits. Having learnt the basics of photography and spent numerous sessions in photographic studios I can now really appreciate the time and effort it takes to make a great portrait. I would not consider myself to be solely a painter or a photographer as I fully intend to make use of some of my photographs in future painted artworks. You could say that I am just giving myself as much ammunition as possible to create my art. At the moment I am going through a photography phase and am enjoying it hugely. I can’t say if I will ever give up either of these two creative arts as they both fulfill a particular need and as long as that continues then I shall continue to do both.
One major difference between the two arts for me is that I approach painting in a far more relaxed manner and often without a pre-conceived idea as to what I want to achieve whereas with photography I always have the end view in mind before I start! I would say that painting is more evolutionary in nature whereas photography is dictatorial; it needs to be controlled and mastered.

Chiara Back-PDA

Chiara by Rob Heath

MM: Any advice for those who want to become photographers?

RH: I am not a full time professional photographer as I earn my living in another sector of the media industry so I wouldn’t presume to know all of the pit-falls or aspects to avoid. I like to think that I create Art rather than take pictures and hence classify myself more as a part-time, enthusiastic amateur / semi-pro photographer.
However, I think anyone who wants to become a full-time photographer needs huge amounts of dedication and belief. They need to be flexible and open to new ideas but also need to carve out a specific style. In addition, ‘People photographers’ need to be excellent communicators and a little extravert. In my relatively short time as a photographer I would say that you need to create a bond and really understand the subject matter before you can fully exploit it. This applies to all genres of photography and is often the major difference between making photos and just taking photos.
As with all of the Arts, photography is highly subjective and so there will be highs and lows. Resilience and acceptance of criticism can be difficult at the start, but it’s all part of the learning curve! In my humble opinion, if you don’t experiment, show your work and solicit advice from others, you simply don’t progress.

To learn more about Rob Heath, connect with him on!



[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) interview management model Tue, 25 Feb 2014 19:18:08 GMT
Classic Ballet shoot with Alessia Lugoboni, London. J'ai eu la chance de travailler avec Alessia, cet semaine. Voici les aperçus.

Alessia Lugaboni redAlessia Lugaboni red Alessia Lugaboni -triangleAlessia Lugaboni -triangle

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) alessia ballet classic dance movement Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:04:48 GMT
Expo à Mably 2014 "L'émotion à travers l'objectif" Nouveau éxposition à  la Médiathèque G.Sand, 19 avril au 1er juin, 2014. 

Venez nombreux! Merci...

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 11 Feb 2014 13:00:00 GMT
Fine Art shots L'apero avant le grand mis a jour...

Diana B at the Biscuit Factory London Diana B at the Biscuit Factory London

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Fri, 24 Jan 2014 21:42:08 GMT
Bonne Année, Bonne Santé. Happy & Healthy New Year to you all. L'Agenda 2014 commence a remplir.....Coming up in 2014....  

18th Jan.  Beltcraft Studios, London. - Fine Art photographie avec 2 modeles.  

21st Jan.  Avec Frank Doorhof, seminar a londres. Photographe des stars et de fashion, glamour.



[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 31 Dec 2013 13:59:49 GMT
La choix des peuples! People's choice winner on Viewbug Elu la choix des peuples, ce photo a remporter 3 titres cet année! Merci à Chiara Favaretti, la modèle.

People's choice winner of the "Strike a Pose" contest on Viewbug. The 3rd win this year for my photo of Chiara in London studio session. Thanks to the model, Chiara Favaretti.

Chiara bendStrike a pose. People's choice winner, Nov 2013.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) chiara dance pose Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:35:00 GMT
Early November morning at Etang d'Arçon Le temps était mauvais mais j'ai réussis de capturer celle-ci


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) arçon etang matin Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:28:52 GMT
La Confluance - Architecture & Reflections Un sortie tres sympa avec le phot'objectif club de Mably.  IMG_0790IMG_0790


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Wed, 16 Oct 2013 07:24:35 GMT
La femme tatoue . The inked LadyLauren. Quelle experience de photographe une superbe modele alternative qui fait la couverture de beaucoup des magazines. Messieurs/mesdames je vous presente: LadyLauren.

What a great experience in photographing a superb alternative model who has adourned many magazine covers. 

Ladies & Gents, I give you: LadyLauren.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) alternative ink tattoo Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:23:35 GMT
Change of Theme for next shoot. / Changement de thème pour la prochaine seance The Ballet shoot in a dis-used warehouse has been postponed. Next shoot is now the Tatooed Lady: Lauren.

La seance de Ballet dans un loft est annule pendant un mois.  Prochaine seance est maintenant la femme des tatouages: Lauren. 


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:21:29 GMT
Possible Locations for next shoots. Des studios potentiels des prochaines shoots Studios de reves a Londres! Perfect Warehouse / Loft style studios in London. 

Photos 1+ 2. The Depository Studios, London.

Photo 3 + 4. Tanner Street Film Studios

Photos 5 + 6. Belt Craft Film Studios.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Photo loft london perfect studios victorian warehouse Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:12:11 GMT
A la recherche d'une ballerine! Looking for a Prof. Ballet dancer.. Prochaine seance a londres sera la danse.. ballet! Egalement possible de reproduire la seance en France.... Si tu connais une ballerine professionelle ou accompli, contacts moi SVP. Merci.

Theme for next photoshoot is Ballet! Have placed casting call for ballerina and am looking for suitable location... If you are a professional / accomplished Ballet dancer contact me for details. Thanks.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Fri, 23 Aug 2013 11:06:04 GMT
Londres, c'est chaud! - London is hot! Hired Milk+ Studio in London for 2 separate fashion shoots... Models: Magdalene Swider + Grace Gray.

J'ai loué 'Milk+ Studio' pour 2 scéances de photos dans le thème "fashion- cover girl"

Voici les appéros:

Grace Magda

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) cover-girl fashion fine-art oxygen photo Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:41:33 GMT
Retour a Londres le 7 juillet pour quelques jours! 3 jours pour trouver des prochaines modeles pour les themes: Extreme make-up / Movement in dance / Fine Art figure. 

Casting placed on 3rd July. Awaiting responses.... 

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Thu, 04 Jul 2013 14:53:43 GMT
What a week! Qu'elle semaine superbe! 4 seances dans la semaine. Voici les aperatifs!

1) La belle Daniela.


2) La peau en porcelaine de Gemma

3) La modele des Bateaux mouches de Paris; Leopard

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Sat, 22 Jun 2013 21:29:09 GMT
Les prochaines séances.... The next photo shoots: 4 seances pendant le mois de juin! 4 new photo shoots booked for June... 

Kino Flo - The California based flicker-free LED lighting with model Gemma. Venue, Milk+ Studio, London.

Classic female Nude with Daniela. Venue, Studio 3, London.

Boudoir and sophisticated lingerie with Laura Cherry. Venue: Milk+ Studio, London.

Seance privee. Studio C, Mably. 


a bientot!



[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Wed, 29 May 2013 16:11:04 GMT
Le nouveau ne... My new baby! Rolleiflex 3,5F 

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Sat, 25 May 2013 17:52:14 GMT
Retour a Londres en mai. Back to London Studio in May La prochaine 'shoot' sera amusant! ...avec de la farine de partout!

The next shoot should be interesting! Flour,flour, flour!

Model for this one will be Kayleigh Lush, a very experienced professional model... 

Watch this space.... A tres bientot!

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Wed, 01 May 2013 20:48:11 GMT
Award for photo shoot! Ce photo a gagner le prix < photo du mois d'avril 2013> a Londres. ( London Photography Workshops)

This photo has just been chosen as the Photo of the Month in the London Photographic Workshops (April)!


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:46:18 GMT
Latest Shoot from London Just back from a double shoot in London. Photos coming soon...  here is an appetizer.

Je viens de rentrer de Londres ou j'ai eu 2 photo shoots. Une apperçu... 


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:33:33 GMT
Milk+ Studio, Londres. Modele: Tunde Retour de londres. Une photoshoot avec la modele d'Oxygene Magazine, USA. Bien content!


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) fashion model oxygen photo tunde Sun, 17 Feb 2013 18:33:22 GMT
Prochaine shoot à Londres Je me deplace pour un workshop Shoot de Magazine coverture à Londres. (14 février)

Modèle: Tunde.

Supervisor: Fashion editor, Ozone magazine: Maria Papadopoulou.

Editorial styliste: Giulia Peduzzi, Milan.

Makup: Armandine Gaulin, Paris.

Hair: Ukiyo Watanabe, Tokyo.

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Sat, 02 Feb 2013 10:45:00 GMT
A la recherche des modèles. Envie de faire (ou aggrandir) ton Book de modèle, ou mannequin de fashion / glamour?

Contact moi. J'ai un petit studio de 50m2 également je peux me deplacer. 

Bonne visite!

[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Sat, 02 Feb 2013 10:26:24 GMT
Welcome! Bienvenue! Thanks and Credits for my photo shoot in Milan:

Models: Alexandra Arendarczyk & Nikola K

Stylist: Ornella Fontana

Hair & Make-up: Erika Ginerva Meyer

Location: Blue Studio, Milano. Italy. ( with Guiseppe Circhetta )


[email protected] (RobHeathPhotography) Tue, 29 Jan 2013 13:00:00 GMT